Nemaha Valley Seed & Services Inc.

About Us

For more than a quarter of a century, Nemaha Valley Seed and Services Inc. has been devoted to farmers in southeastern Nebraska. We have a clear mission: Provide the best available products and the most responsive service. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals — and our success is defined by your success.

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The Nemaha Valley Seed and Services Inc. Story

In 1997, Michael Sandfort took the knowledge he’d gained in soil sampling and used it to create the company that’s now known as Nemaha Valley Seed and Services Inc.

Through the years, the products and services we offer have continued to grow — because farming technology continues to advance. Today, Nemaha Valley Seed and Services Inc. is proud to help our customers get the biggest possible return from their investments in seed, fertilizer, and other farming tools.

The number of customers we serve continues to increase because our commitment to them never changes. We deliver exceptional service that goes above and beyond their expectations — always with timeliness, transparency, and truthfulness.

We’re not only dedicated to the farmers of today, but also to those who will farm tomorrow. By sponsoring our local Future Farmers of America chapter, we help nurture young hands and minds who one day will continue the bountiful legacy of farming.

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Our Team

Michael Sandfort
Michael Sandfort

Owner and Sales Representative


Michael Lollmann
Michael Lollmann

Sales Representative


Andy Behrends
Andy Behrends

Sales Representative


Ben Clark
Ben Clark

Agency Employee


Wade Caspers
Wade Caspers

Sales Associate


Riley Grable
Riley Grable

Agency Employee


Your Pioneer Sales Representative in Southeast Nebraska

405 Main St. Brock, Nebraska 68320

NVSS | Office Inset

How Can We Help You Succeed?

Neighbors helping neighbors is one of the best parts about living in the heartland. So tell us: How can we help you and your farm be more successful?

Contact Us